Thursday, June 30, 2011

Happy Birthday to me!! and new items;)

Happy Birthdayy too meee!!

Yesterday was my 19th (my last year of having the excuse of being a "teenager" to get away with things)

It started out Horrible i woke up late after 3 hours of sleep and i had a 10 hour work day ahead of me {work on my bday!!!:( how mean!}

I then could not find my keys ANYWHERE so i ended up having my dad drive me to work and was 10 min late.

So i was sitting at my desk takeing calls half asleep with a raging migrane ( Im a customer rep for nintendo) thinking "This is the worst day of my life when someone tapped the back of my seat. I looked back and saw our administrative assistant standing there with a Bouquet of GORGEOUS red roses.

Turns out my amazing Boyfriend {who lives 700 miles from me :/ } arranged to have the roses delivered with a sweet note to my work.

Well needless to say it made my day<3

{The roses}

My gorgeous Amazin boyfriend <3

Me and Jonathan:) First time we met . Together 1 year and 4 months through thick and thin he is my best friend:) Love you Baby!!

{And on a Random Note}

I have a couple new items available on etsy. Check em out;)

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